Best Hysteroscopic Surgeon in HSR Layout, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore
Hysteroscopy is minimally invasive surgery where the Gynecologist inserts a small telescope (hysteroscope) through the mouth of the uterus the cervix into the uterus. The hysteroscope enables the Gynecologist to picture inside of the uterus on a video screen. The uterine cavity is then viewed for any abnormalities. The experienced gynecologist observes the lining of the uterus and for any other intrauterine pathology (fibroids or polyps). The specialist additionally looks at the openings to the fallopian tubes (tubal ostia)into the uterine cavity.
What procedures can a gynecologist surgeon perform with a hysteroscope?
A Gynecologist surgeon will utilize the hysteroscope to examine the lining of the uterus and search for intrauterine pathology, for example, fibroids or polyps that might be a cause of abnormal uterine bleeding. Evaluation of the cavity is likewise performed for women experiencing difficulty in getting pregnant. Procedures that can be performed hysteroscopically are the following
- Biopsy of the endometrial coating
- Opening of the proximal fallopian tube blockage
- Removal intracavitary ifibroids
- Removal of intrauterine adhesions
- Removal of uterine septa
- Removal of endometrial or cervical polyps
- Removal of a lost IUCD (intrauterine contraceptive device)
- Endometrial ablation- destruction of the uterine lining, a treatment for heavy bleeding
What are the advantages of Hysteroscopy?
The recovery time is fast. All the patients go home same day following hysteroscopic surgery. There will be no incision in the abdominal wall and so the postoperative pain is very minimal.
Dr Beena jeysingh comes with 19 years of experience in handling Hysteriscopic surgery. She is well known Hysteroscopic Surgeon in HSR Layout, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore. Visit Dr. Beena Jeysingh at her clinic, for appointment click here.